AI - Availability Improved?

(This article was written by our guest editor)

Al can play a significant role in improving on-call fire engine availability. One way is by using predictive analytics to forecast the likelihood of fires occurring in certain areas & using data analytics to trend demand with availability. This can help the fire service to allocate resources more effectively and ensure that on-call fire engines are available in areas where they are most needed.

Another way Al can help is by using real-time data to monitor fire incidents and dispatch on-call fire engines more efficiently. For example, Al can analyze data from sensors and cameras to detect fires and alert the fire service immediately. This can help reduce response times and improve the improve the overall effectiveness of on-call fire engines.

There’s nothing artificial about how AI can improve fire engine availability

Additionally, Al can be used to optimize the scheduling of on-call firefighters. By analyzing data on firefighter availability, workload, and response times, Al can help services to schedule on-call firefighters more effectively, ensuring that there are always enough firefighters available to respond to emergencies.

Overall, Al has the potential to significantly improve on-call fire engine availability by helping allocate resources more effectively, dispatch on-call fire engines more efficiently, and optimize the scheduling of on-call firefighters.

AI: Advance Insights

AI can make sure the fire service doors are always open

AI can also play a significant role in improving recruitment and retention of on-call firefighters. Here are a few ways AI can help:

1. Recruitment: AI can help identify potential candidates who are a good fit for the role of on-call firefighters. By analyzing data from job applications, social media profiles, and other sources, AI can identify candidates who possess the necessary skills, experience, and personality traits required for the job.

2. Training: AI can be used to create personalized training programs for on-call firefighters. By analyzing data on each firefighter's strengths and weaknesses, AI can create training programs that are tailored to their individual needs.

3. Scheduling: AI can help optimize on-call firefighter schedules to ensure that there is always adequate coverage. By analyzing data on firefighter availability, response times, and other factors, AI can create schedules that minimize response times and maximize coverage.

4. Retention: AI can help identify factors that contribute to firefighter turnover and develop strategies to address them. By analyzing data on firefighter satisfaction, job performance, and other factors, AI can elaborate on research already conceived by re-enkindle to identify areas where improvements can be made to increase retention rates.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the recruitment and retention of on-call firefighters by providing valuable insights and optimizing processes to ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time.

AI: Availability Improvements

Listen to what AI itself says can be done…

What does AI say are several (spoiler!) other ways to can improve on-call firefighter recruitment:

  1. Increase awareness: Many people are not aware of the opportunities available to become an on-call firefighter. Increasing awareness through targeted advertising and outreach programs can help attract more candidates.

  2. Offer incentives: Offering incentives such as, flexible schedules, and more competitive pay can help attract more candidates.

  3. Partner with local schools: Partnering with local schools to offer firefighting programs and offer firefighting programs and internships can help attract younger candidates who may be interested in pursuing a career in firefighting.

  4. Streamline the application process: Simplifying the application process and making it more user-friendly can help attract more candidates who may be intimidated by a lengthy or complicated application process.

  5. Emphasize the importance of community service: Highlighting the importance of community service and the role that on-call firefighters play in keeping their communities safe can help attract candidates who are passionate about giving back to their communities

If you have read this far and have any doubts about AI’s ability to augment our endeavours to make On-call recruitment outcomes more favourable, improve retention prospects, and thereby increase fire engine availability, then consider this:


In our next blog post we’ll show you our first of many innovative ways in which AI, Data, and Technology align to make favourable outcomes more likely for recruitment and for diversity…

Thanks for reading, Professor G P Teé (guest blogger)

Prof G P Teé